As I lay here on my bed listening to everybody talking my head is spinning with thoughts of you. I hear your voice throughout the day telling me you love me and that I'm the one for you. Over and over again I hear your voice and feel your arms wrapped around me but when I look around you’re not here. I'm wishing you will realize soon that I do care. Wishing and hoping that someday soon we will be together again. I love you so much and I miss seeing you everyday and being next to you at night. You never come to see me anymore so I lay here in my bed crying because I miss you so much and I love you to. I wish I could see you like I use to but you won’t let that happen and neither will she. I try to talk to you but you walk away. Tears form in my eyes and I start to cry. They say to forget about you but I don’t know how. I miss hearing you say that you love me. I miss spending time with you everyday. I can't seem to get you out of my head. I love you baby and I miss you too
Wednesday, 5 September 2012 -
Miss U Poems
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